MEMORY MONDAYS - Wintry Paintings and Poems by the late Peter Clayton
MEMORY MONDAYS - Two Seasonal Stories
MEMORY MONDAY - Maurice and Patsy McPhilimey
MEMORY MONDAY - An Unusual Local Tradition
MEMORY MONDAY - Westwood Club Memorial
MEMORY MONDAY - Westwood Club and Reading Room
Memory Monday - Coronation Special: Westwood Heath in the News in 1948
Frank Lowe's School Reminiscences
The Mystery of the Haunted Tree
MEMORY MONDAY - Then and Now: Snow in Roughknowles Road 1981
Making Connections - The Clayton Brothers of Tocil House Farm
H.M The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, part 2
H.M The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Lord Leigh's Buildings
Royal British Legion - Coventry
H.M The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Tocil House Farm
Link to History Group Presentation
More questions than answers…
Census Day 2021