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MEMORY MONDAYS - Two Seasonal Stories


The first of two seasonal local stories from the newspaper archives.

As we approach Christmas, we may be gifting seasonal plants to others or purchasing them for ourselves to help brighten our homes during these dark winter days.

Back in 1969, one Westwood Heath resident and her magnificent Christmas cactus were featured in the ‘Diary’ section of the Coventry Evening Telegraph on 6th January, 1969.


Mrs Violet Franklin started to count the blooms on her Christmas cactus but had to give up before the halfway stage. Maybe it was through exhaustion…

For her cactus can boast between 300 and 400 flowers. Which isn’t bad for a plant which began its independent life as a cutting only five years ago. But I have, I must add, had several reports of even bigger and more blooming Christmas cacti.

However, Mrs Franklin, of Elmside, Kirby Corner Road, Westwood Heath, Coventry, looks certain to have a real prize cactus in three or four years’ time. The plant, which measures 1¼ yards in diameter, has flowers fuschia-pink in colour. Mrs Franklin, a keen gardener, has no secret of cactus-growing success. “I use a liquid fertiliser and that’s all,” she said.

If anyone remembers Violet Franklin, please let us know. If you would like to share photos of your Christmas blooms, please do so!

Meanwhile, a little further up Westwood Heath Road, a belated Christmas party was held, reported in the Coventry Evening Telegraph on 23rd January, 1969.


More than 100 children attended a belated Christmas party arranged by the William and Mary Club, Westwood Heath. There were refreshments and games, and each child received a present. Over 60 mothers and grandmothers also attended.

Sounds like a lovely occasion – and very well attended too!

Do you recall parties at the William and Mary Club? It was a quaint building standing between the gymkhana field and Richmond House (next to the allotments). If you have any recollections, please get in touch as we can add them to our ongoing research.

Please comment below, or email

Thank you!


  • The William and Mary Club in the 1960s (Image Courtesy of the family of Pat Brough)

  • A Christmas Cactus in full bloom (Wikimedia commons)


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