Today's photo from yesteryear dates back to the mid to late 1970s. The photo is used with kind permission of Lyn and Mike, who took the photo at the bottom of their Cromwell Lane garden, during a spot of fence-mending. The view is over towards Roughknowles Road and beyond to the coppice which now lies behind several of the houses on Roughknowles Road. In front of the path along the road, it is possible to discern the young saplings - now wonderful mature trees, home to many birds and, in the modern-day photo, seen resplendent in their glorious Autumn colours. The modern houses were built circa 2007 (please correct me if I'm wrong!) Poundgate Lane would be off to the right of both photos. Further along the road, the older houses out of shot (and perhaps under construction at the time) were built between 1979 and the mid 1980s. There was widespread consternation amongst local residents when planning permission was granted for these older houses, as it was feared their appearance would change the rural character of the area. So permission came with the proviso that they were constructed far enough from Westwood Heath Road, so as not to be seen when driving along it!
If you have any old photos of the area, or any stories or recollections, please do get in touch with us in the History Group.
We are also in the process of creating an area on the website devoted to our experiences of life in lockdown. This can take any form, written or photographs, and can reflect all aspects of experience - good, bad or indifferent! We would also love to hear from children and how they have felt about the changes to their lives - a story or a little drawing or painting would be lovely. All contributions - as always - very warmly welcomed!
If you would like to get in touch, you can email or simply leave a comment on one of our posts. Many thanks.
1. 1970s view across Roughknowles Road towards the coppice. Note the saplings planted beside the road.
2. Very nearly the same view, 2019.
3. Close up of the trees!