Today we take a walk down Charter Avenue towards the Fletchampstead Highway, from Westwood Heath into Canley. The original 1960s pictures from Jay Mckeown and his partner give us the old views, and we've been out searching for the modern day images.
Charter Avenue hasn't changed too much since the 1960s, but there is substantial change in the trees and bushes, as well as the cars, the television aerials and the satellite dishes - a sign of the times.
If you remember Canley, or were an original 'Canley Kid', and have memories to add to the images please go ahead and post them on here. If you have old pictures that you would like to share, please get in touch via our email address:
The Westwood Heath History Group have a website that can be accessed via a link from the Westwood Heath Residents Association (WHRA) website, and we regularly update the blog with our latest posts and ongoing work. The link to the WHRA website is below, where the dedicated History Group website can be accessed from the 'History' tab.:
1960s pictures are copyright Jay Jay Mckeown
2020s pictures are copyright Ian Harrop/WHRA

Steel Framed Houses along Charter Avenue. Not much has changed since the original picture, though the tree has grown and is in bloom which hides some of the houses.

Charter Avenue Flats. There are several blocks of flats along Charter Avenue which could be those in the old picture, but it is thought that the blocks closest to Cromwell Lane are those pictured in the 1960s. Recently refurbished they look a lot more welcoming now. The original residents used to complain that the flats were cold and damp, so I hope this has been sorted.

Thomas Sharp Street houses, close to the junction with Mitchell Avenue - behind the chip shop on Charter Avenue if you want a point of reference! At first glance the modern photo doesn't look much like the old picture, but take a look at the wall, the houses and flats on the right hand side and you'll see that it is the same place. The single storey prefab house has long gone and is now replaced by newer housing, which means that the old view is no longer possible.

St Stephens Church. Hardly anything has changed since the 1960s, except the windows. The church is still in use to this day.

The Half Sovereign pub. When Canley was originally built there was no provision for a pub. The Half Sovereign was built to accommodate those people who were after a place for a drink and a chat, as well as the Phantom Coach at the bottom of Charter Avenue. Who remembers The Dolphin pub on Prior Deram Walk?

Charter Avenue Houses. The exact set of houses that were in the original picture has been difficult to track down, as the houses have been altered and the vegetation has grown up to mask the views. However, the modern view shows the styles of the houses used in the building scheme along Charter Avenue.

Kirby Corner Road. The old picture was said to be of Sir Henry Parkes Road, but changes in the road layout means that this is now Kirby Corner Road where it joins the Cannon Park roundabout. There are a lot less chimneys on the houses and less cars, though this may be due to the fact that the modern picture was taken during the day and people could have been out at work.

Prior Deram Walk shops. A fascinating comparison of the old and the modern. Who remembers using Bains Super Market or the launderette? There must be a bus due soon as the bus shelter is busy - the bus stop is now further down the road at the intersection which is just visible in the background.

Prior Deram Walk playground. This playground has long gone, but do you remember it? At least there is still an area of green for the local children to use, though much of the rest of the playing field has been used for housing. In the far distance Canley Police Station and the Fire Station tower are just visible across the playing fields in the old picture. The modern changes makes those impossible to see.