The first of a regular look at local events as reported in newspapers of days gone by.
Easter has been very different for us all this year (2020). With days out and gatherings with family and friends off limits, we are new discovering ways to make the best of the situation. Back in 1942, Coventry had already felt the full force of World War II twice over with the blitzes of November 1940 and April 1941, but, like us today, people still needed to carry on enjoying life as best they could. On 6th April, 1942, the Coventry Evening Telegraph carried this notice:
Westwood Heath Hall
Easter Monday 8-11 1/6
Bus No.18. Free Car Park
I’m sure this would have been eagerly anticipated at the time with normal life on hold. Westwood Heath Hall is something of a mystery; back then we did have the church rooms, the Reading Rooms and the William & Mary Club but this is the first I have heard of this particular venue. If you know more, please get in touch
A few years later, on 20th April, 1957, Coventry Evening Telegraph gave notice of an upcoming Easter event.
Opening Gymkhana of the Tile Hill Riding and
Driving Club, Westwood Heath Road.
Easter Sunday 2pm
Open Gymkhana; rosettes & prizes; refreshments
No doubt this was a popular event for families. The Tile Hill Riding Club had formed in 1945 for the promotion of horse shows and gymkhanas. Again, I don’t know the exact location of the Club, so if anyone does know and can tell us more about it, we would love to hear from you.
Best Wishes from all of us in the Westwood Heath History Group. Stay safe & well.
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